“The Classroom Copyright Conundrum: Situations in Education”
Friday, October 22 @ 10:30 – 11:30 am
Presented by Brittany Fleming
What exactly is Copyright? Am I being the Copyright role model that my students and other teachers need me to be? These are questions that we all have been faced with. In this session, we will look at Fair Use and how it can help us to legally use materials in our classrooms. The session will also look at common problems that we have all faced when it comes to Copyright. Participants will leave with resources to use at their own schools.
“Copyright Connections: Be Future Ready with the 5th C!”
Friday, October 22 @ 11:40 am – 12:40 pm
Presented by Julie Jamieson
Creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication are the 4 C’s of learning, but what about the 5th C? COPYRIGHT! It’s critical that we teach students how copyright applies to them as creators and publishers in the digital world. Learn how to incorporate a free K-12 copyright curriculum into what you already teach with innovative, digital project ideas. Attend this session to learn practical, authentic ways to teach about copyright while having your students be ethical creators!
IDEA LAB: “Ending Copyright Confusion and It’s All FREE!”
Thursday, October 21, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Presented by: Julie Jamieson, Brittany Flemming, and Sally Linford
Are you tasked with teaching copyright, but lack resources? Do you find copyright and fair use confusing, or have gaps in your understanding?
Are you tasked with teaching copyright, but lack resources? Do you find copyright and fair use confusing, or have gaps in your understanding? Well, look no further! Copyright and Creativity is pleased to share its FREE K-12 curriculum, including lesson plans, videos, slides, and other teaching resources, plus a PD course. Using a positive approach, our materials lay out the basics of copyright and fair use with a focus on creativity and how to create and share content ethically and legally.
C&C will have a rep in the exhibitor hall:
- Thursday, October 21, 2021, 5:00pm – 7:00pm
- Friday, October 22, 2021 9:00am – 4:30pm
- Saturday, October 23, 2021 9:00am – 1:00pm


Julie Jamieson is a school librarian at East High School in the Ft. Zumwalt School District in St. Peters, Missouri. She is currently the district curriculum coordinator for all K-12 school libraries at Ft. Zumwalt, a large district comprised of 16 elementary buildings, four middle schools, and four high schools. She is the Missouri Ambassador for the non-profit organization Copyright and Creativity for Ethical Digital Citizens. Julie is a member of the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and is an active leader of the Missouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) organization and is serving as vice-president of the Greater St. Louis School Librarians Association. She is a Google Certified Educator, Flipgrid Certified Educator, and presents at education conferences such as AASL, MASL, Google Summits, and EdCamps. Julie is a dedicated educator who is always looking for innovative ways to help her students and staff grow as readers and citizens of a digitally connected world.
Brittany Fleming is a K-4 library media specialist in Northwest Arkansas. Prior to the library, she worked as a 4th-grade teacher. In 2015, Brittany was awarded teacher of the year for her elementary school by her sta. ff. Brittany is the creator of a book tournament program for her district that won the Arkansas Association for Instructional Media’s (AAIM) 2017 Media Program of the Year. In 2018 she served on the Arkansas Department of Education Instructional Media Specialist Frameworks Revision Committee. Along with teaching, Brittany is currently serving as the AAIM Awards Committee Chair and the Conference Vendor Chair.
C&C has regular office hours and online training where we
introduce our resources and answer any curriculum questions.
An online, self-paced course covers the basics of copyright and how to teach it.
Earn the badge at your convenience. Start at our professional development page.
As always, we welcome questions at [email protected]