C&C holds regular office hours where we introduce our resources and answer any curriculum questions.
Zoom Link to join: HERE
No registration required. ZOOM PASSWORD: C&C

SUMMER BREAK: Office Hours will resume in September 2024.
Stay tuned for exact dates and times.

Office hours are held on the 1st Thursday, 2nd Wednesday, and 3rd Tuesday of each month.


Teaching Copyright K-12: Ready to go and it’s all FREE!

Thursday, Aug 8, 1:00pm PDT | Webinar recording here

Are you tasked with teaching copyright to K-12 students? Do you lack resources or want to fill in gaps in your knowledge to be more comfortable teaching? Do you want to know how to use this FREE online curriculum—2X winner of AASL’s Best Digital Tool award?

Join our C&C Ambassadors (fellow teachers!) as they share their experiences teaching with our positive resources. Learn how to teach the essentials of copyright, fair use, Creative Commons, and more with our award-winning, FREE K-12 curriculum.


Mentoring K-12 Teachers Through the Copyright Maze

January 19, 2023 Webinar recording here 

Are you charged with training and mentoring other teachers on copyright and fair use? Do your colleagues reach out to you with questions about what they can and cannot do? C&C has a new course to help fellow teachers become positive role models and confident, knowledgeable instructors. Attendees will come away with a new resource for teaching colleagues to navigate the copyright maze. We’ll focus on the teacher perspective:

  • what teachers need to consider when modeling and teaching copyright
  • the role of standards
  • plagiarism v. infringement
  • sharing resources
  • fiscal risks of infringement
  • the role of copyright given today’s technologies.

Teaching Copyright K-12: Ready to Go, and It’s All Free

January 7, 2023 Webinar recording here  

Are you tasked with teaching copyright to K-12 students? Do you lack resources or want to fill in gaps in your knowledge to be more comfortable teaching students? Join our C&C Ambassadors (fellow teachers!) as they share their experiences teaching with our positive FREE resources. Learn how to teach the essentials of copyright, fair use, Creative Commons, and more with C&C’s award-winning, FREE K-12 curriculum.


TEACH K-12 COPYRIGHT: Ready to Go, and It’s All Free

August 2, 2023  |  Webinar Recording here.

Join our C&C Ambassadors (fellow teachers!) and learn how our plug-n-play materials do the heavy lifting to make it easy to teach the basics of copyright, fair use, Creative Commons, public domain and more. Use the online tool that won AASL’s “Best Digital Tools” Award.


Meet the New C&C “Game” on Alludo — Gamified Professional Development

Jan 28, 2021: Webinar recording here.

C&C educators and Alludo guides demo the new C&C game in Alludo.


C&C offers occasional training on how to use C&C resources. We also may be able to provide group training sessions for interested school districts. See the form below for more information.

In addition, we published a resource sheet with general information on using copyrighted materials in your online lessons: Copyright and Distance Learning: Tips and Resources for Teachers and Administrators.



An online, self-paced course covers the basics of copyright and how to teach it.
Earn the badge at your convenience. Start at our professional development page.C&C Badge: Copyright Ethics Certified

Be sure to check back for updates to this training schedule.
As always, we welcome questions at