C&C’s online PD course for teachers is free and available on-demand.  In addition:

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Access the PD Course via Canvas 
(Note: does not require that your school district use Canvas.)

Our free professional development course is hosted on Canvas, where educators can earn the C&C Copyright Ethics badge. It is designed to give educators greater familiarity with the copyright concepts covered in our C&C curriculum. The self-paced course takes about 2-3 hours to complete. It consists of a short introductory video plus five learning modules:

  1. Copyright Basics – an overview of copyright’s purpose, its protections, and its limitations
  2. Fair Use Basics – a deeper look at a key limitation that allows some uses/copying without permission
  3. Acquiring and Sharing Copyrighted Works Legally and Ethically – lawful media sources versus infringing ones, how plagiarism fits in, and more
  4. Student Activity – an exercise that teachers can use in class
  5. Frequently Asked Questions – from educators who took the course

Access the C&C Alludo Game here:
(NOTE: Your school district needs to be an Alludo subscriber.)

Do you work in a district that uses Alludo for professional development? Find our PD game at Alludo (alludolearning.com)  Earn the Copyright Ethics badge and share your achievements with colleagues in your district.  The C&C Alludo game consists of 3 levels, each with missions that are accomplished by completing short activities:

  1. Copyright Basics — an introduction to the purpose and structure of copyright’s protections;
  2. Fair Use and Other Limitations to Copyright — the things copyright doesn’t cover and the important principle of fair use;
  3. Copyright in Action — how copyright principles function in the real world, including practical questions such as how to acquire and share media lawfully, how to use others’ work in your own creating or teaching, and the relationship between copyright and plagiarism.
(Not familiar with Alludo?  It’s a platform for professional learning which partners with school districts across the country to provide fun, competitive, and self-paced programs for acquiring new skills and experience.  Learn more at Alludo.)