C&C is a nonprofit project offering a full suite of free K-12 resources for teaching copyright and fair use. Come chat with our Pennsylvania ambassador, Jennifer Roth, during our Exhibit Hall hours, attend one of our presentation sessions, or request that we mail you our handouts and posters.

Virtual Exhibit Hall Hours

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 448 809 4553
Passcode: C&C

    • Apr 15, 2021  4:00 – 6:30 PM EDT
    • Apr 16, 2021 10:30 – 11:30 AM EDT
    • Apr 16, 2021 12:30 – 2:00 PM EDT
    • Apr 16, 2021  3:30  – 4:15 PM EDT
Educator Experience with C&C


“May I Use This? Ending Copyright Confusion”

Saturday, April 17th @ 10:30 AM
Presented by Jenn Roth

As an elementary librarian, I’m excited to share free K-12 materials, including curriculum, PD, and added resources, such as infographics, plug-n-play slides, lesson plans, and tips for using copyrighted materials in education.  These materials provide accessible and practical information about copyright – its protections, its limitations, and its role in encouraging creativity. Rather than emphasizing what copyright prohibits, I will offer useful and positive information about what copyright allows and how students can successfully navigate and rely on copyright in their own roles as creators.


“Teaching Students (K-12) about Copyright”

Apr 16, 2021 10:45 – 11:15 AM EDT
Presented by: Jenn Roth & Dana Greenspan

Come join C&C as we share our free K-12 materials (Creative Commons licensed), including curriculum, infographics, plug-n-play slides, lesson plans, and more! Learn how to teach your students the essentials of copyright, fair use, and creative commons. Students today are both the creators and publishers of their own work. They need to know the rules of the road—their rights and responsibilities—as they navigate living and working in a digital world.


Jenn Roth is a school librarian at North Wales Elementary School in the North Penn School District in Lansdale, Pennsylvania. She is the Pennsylvania Ambassador for the non-profit organization Copyright and Creativity for Ethical Digital Citizens. Jenn is an active member of the Pennsylvania School Librarians Association. She is currently serving as the PSLA Communications Co-Chair and is involved in the Conference Committee. Jenn was a collaborator for the “Model Curriculum for Learners in Pennsylvania School Libraries,” “The Digital Librarian’s Survival Toolkit,and “The Epic Ebook of Web Tools & Apps.” She recently served as a mentor for the North Penn School District and the School Librarians Leadership Academy. She was interviewed for the Librarian Influencer of the Week with the podcast titled “Reading is a Part of Everything.” Vendor Chair.


Retired from the Ventura County Office of Education as an Educational Technology Specialist, Dana Greenspan now serves as a consultant specializing in student data privacy, copyright and fair use, and education technology planning.  Currently, she is leading the CA roll-out for CopyrightandCreativity.org, an educational non-profit that offers free K-12 curriculum and professional development. Ms. Greens
pan served as Co-Chair of the VCOE e-Safety Task Force, and as a leader in the area of student data privacy, she has been instrumental in working with CETPA to bring a statewide privacy registry, the CA Student Privacy Alliance and its accompanying statewide agreement, the CA Student Data Privacy Agreement, to all California schools.  She has served on the TTSC/CISC subcommittee on tech plans for CCSESA and was a member of ISTE’s E-rate Advisory Group making recommendations for E-rate 2.0. She has participated in iKeepSafe’s Student Privacy Roundtables and has presented at CEPTA, NASSP, Lead 3.0, SDPC, and CUE, and has written on data privacy for CETPA, CUE and NAESP.


Conference Handouts

We printed 11×17 glossy posters that we would be happy to mail to your schools, free of charge, to post in your libraries and classrooms. Send a request by emailing: info@copyrightandcreativity.org.


C&C Curriculum
(8.5 x 11 flier)

10 Things You Should Know
About Copyright

Free Speech, Copyright,
and Fair Use

C&C has regular office hours and online training where we
introduce our resources and answer any curriculum questions.


An online, self-paced course covers the basics of copyright and how to teach it.
Earn the badge at your convenience. Start at our professional development page.C&C Badge: Copyright Ethics CertifiedAs always, we welcome questions at