LESSON 1: Creativity in the Online World — Our Roles as Creators and Consumers

Lesson 1 covers our roles as consumers and creators and the basic protections of copyright. It also provides a high level view of copyright’s limitations—the things it doesn’t cover, like facts and ideas, fair uses, and works in the public domain.

Digital graphical rendering of teenager on laptop listening to music and connected to other electronic devices

Ways to access this lesson

MS Lesson 1, Our Roles as Creators and Consumers, v4, Thumbnail

Video clips for in-class lessons*

Video Link Video ID Description Runtime
(w/o credits)**
View Video 1.1 “Magic Meerkat Moments” from BBC One, Planet Earth 1:48
View Video 1.2 “Polar Bear Encounter” from BBC One, Planet Earth 2:00
View Video 1.3 “What’s Up with Copyright Anyway?—A Brief (Very Brief) History and Copyright Basics” 5:30
View Video 1.4 “Permission NOT Required—The Limits of Copyright: Ideas & Facts, Fair Use, and Public Domain” 8:32
View Video 1.5 “From Bullied to Bank: How Bethany Mota Created a YouTube and Fashion Empire” 4:30
View Video 1.6 Frontline Documentary “The Persuaders” 1:13

*  These videos are intended for use in in-class lessons. If you want students to use the videos independently, please note that some districts restrict student access to external links.  Students may need to access videos at the alternative links found here.

** Video runtimes do not include the credits.

Supplemental Materials


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